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About Us

St. Peters congregation in Heidelberg is without doubt one of the oldest of the Canada Synod. It is assumed that it had its origin in 1845 because it is a known fact that the first church was a log structure on the site of the present cemetery. 


In 1867 the building of a big new church was undertaken, because the old one, which was a quarter mile outside Heidelberg (on cemetery property) was no longer sufficient.

In 1870 the new church was completed and dedicated. 


St. Peters rejoices in a long and colourful history. St. Peters has been a church home for many families throughout the years. It is a home that invites all to become a part of its embrace and fellowship. We celebrate with joy what God has made possible and we are now embarking upon the next century with a strong sense of hope, optimism and purpose.


Click on the images below to see images from our church.

Side of Church
Artwork Behind Altar
Hall Door Panels
Etched Front Entrance
Church stained glass window
Basement Entrance
Stairs to Balcony
Front Door
Piano at Front of Church
Outside of Church
Stained Glass Windows
Original Keys


​We have an area at the back of the church that can be used for special events.

The kitchen in the area provides easy access to the hall that holds tables and chairs providing an area for people to meet. There is a wheelchair accessible ramp into the parish hall providing easy access for those who need it. The area is also available to be rented out to those who may need it for meetings, events and other special occasions. It works well for 40-50 event size, fire capacity is 75.




     The creation of this web-site is a special project of our parish here at St. Peters. It has extra-ordinary significance in that it comes at a time when our congregation has celebrated a long tradition of ministry. In 2020, the St. Peters family celebrated the 175th anniversary of the founding of the parish and the 150th birthday of the church sanctuary in Heidelberg.


     We rejoice in a ministry that was begun at the dawn of pioneer history. We no longer possess detailed knowledge about the early beginnings, but we do know that the mid-1800's were a time of enormous growth and energy. People were making the perilous journey across the ocean with dreams of new land, new beginnings and hope. The extant records give us fleeting glimpses into the aspirations of the new settlers. We, who live in the early decades of the 21st century, work, live and rejoice in the same Lord and Spirit that motivated people so long ago.


     The project involving a web-site, helps us to rejoice in the blessings that God has made possible today. It also represents the desire to extend the invitation of the St. Peters family into the wider community. That invitation involves the opportunity for all to come together with a host of gifts, talents and experiences. It involves the possibility to build new ministries that meet the needs and the challenges of the future. Indeed, the creation of the web-site provides us with the means by which we can harness some of the enormous potential that God has placed within our midst.


     So let us rejoice and give thanks for the opportunity to sing a new song. We are a small country congregation and you are warmly welcomed to our church. We would love to see you there. We want you to know the love of God and feel his presence near, for you are so special to the Lord and special to us too. 

Our Pastor:

Pastor Olaf Poulsen
Olaf Poulsen

Lead Pastor


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